• Sie Kun­den bes­ser an ihre Pro­duk­te her­an­füh­ren wol­len und des­we­gen Schu­lun­gen anbie­ten möchten

  • Sie die Wei­ter­bil­dungs­an­ge­bo­te ihrer bestehen­den Aka­de­mie digi­ta­li­sie­ren möchten

  • Sie eine umfas­sen­de Ana­ly­se mög­li­cher Ent­wick­lungs­stra­te­gien für Ihre Unter­neh­men­s­aka­de­mie wünschen

  • Sie das Geschäfts­mo­dell ihrer Aka­de­mie digi­tal aus­rich­ten wollen

  • Sie Ihre Trai­ner zu eTrai­ning-Exper­ten aus­bil­den möchten

  • Sie Hin­wei­se brau­chen, wie sie Ihre Aka­de­mie auf die Zukunft aus­rich­ten können

  • Sie sich für all das einen Part­ner wün­schen, der die­se Punk­te stra­te­gisch, sys­te­ma­tisch und zeit­ef­fi­zi­ent für Sie erarbeitet

Especially in times of economic change, qualification and training of employees are decisive for the future of a company. QUA­DRAT­WIS­SEN develops customized strategies for your Corporate Learning, with which you can achieve your entrepreneurial goals.


Whether realignment of personnel development or targeted qualification of your employees for future requirements: We develop your training strategy together - systematically and systemically.



Whether it's the structured introduction of e-learning, individual product selection or targeted training for your personnel department: you can count on us at any time for the concrete implementation of your corporate learning.



Training know-how, impulses for the new working world or knowledge about current personnel strategies ? Use our well-founded market and technology knowledge as well as many years of practical experience in the training sector.

Click here to see our services

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

- Ben­ja­min Franklin

Your advantage

For today

You will establish training strategies that are individually tailored to your needs, which are practicable and can be implemented promptly.

You use the resources in your company in a targeted manner and provide your employees with the knowledge and skills they urgently need for changing requirements.

You bind your best employees to your company and thus secure your market position.


For tomorrow

Your increased attractiveness as an employer and training company will keep you competitive in the long term.

You, even as a medium-sized company, can cushion the shortage of skilled workers through sustainable qualification concepts. In this way you increase the resilience of your company.

You use the opportunities of digitization actively and purposefully to make your company fit for the future.



Olaf Bursian supported us in the development of our holistic learning strategy, which includes digital, social and analog learning. He mainly designed the process and supported our working groups with his expertise. Olaf was therefore a super help to us and we thank him for the successful collaboration.

Julia Haar­köt­ter, FitX Deutsch­land GmbH

Future of Communardo Academy

We want to restructure our Communardo Academy (also in terms of personnel) and make it even more attractive for our customers. For this reason, we commissioned Mr. Bursian to moderate our strategy workshop and enrich it with his knowledge in the areas of future learning, e-learning and training management. This has worked well, we are currently implementing the results of the workshop.

Imple­men­ta­ti­on of E‑Learning

Mr. Bur­si­an sup­por­ted us in the intro­duc­tion of e‑learning in our com­pa­ny by cla­ri­fy­ing the tasks and com­ple­xi­ties for a suc­cess­ful imple­men­ta­ti­on through a work­shop and a self-assessment-checklist.

This coope­ra­ti­on has hel­ped us to set up our inter­nal pro­ject struc­tures and sche­du­les and the­re­fo­re we thank Mr. Bur­si­an for his sup­port.

Realignment of core processes

During my time as a board member and head of the ASG-Bildungsforum in Düsseldorf, Olaf Bursian supported an important strategy process for the organisation with professional competence. In addition to advising the executive committee, he also supported the project group in the operationalisation and implementation of new event formats. His human, motivating nature, his high methodological competence and experience in and with organisations enabled him to work goal-oriented and led to often surprising, creative solutions with high practical relevance for the implementation in the respective field of work.

Anto­ni­us Kerk­hoff, Franz Hit­ze Haus Münster

E‑Learning für Flüchtlinge

For the project "Information Portal for Refugees" Mr. Bursian developed and conducted a workshop for the former office of the refugee representative of the state capital Düsseldorf. The opinions of the refugees were included in the process. Mr. Bursian's culturally sensitive approach as well as his cosmopolitan and tolerant attitude in dealing with the people involved in this project were conspicuous. I would like to thank him for the valuable cooperation and would be happy to be able to cooperate with Mr. Bursian again if necessary.

Frank Grie­se, Amt für Migra­ti­on und Inte­gra­ti­on der Lan­des­haupt­stadt Düsseldorf

Workshop to determine the goals of a new society

Olaf Bursian inspired the members of the board of the "Lobby for Democracy e. V." to a creative flight of fancy by a surprising entrance into the moderation. At the end of this flight the timetable of the association for the next weeks and months was fixed! Nine projects and initiatives were developed, which are already on the way to implementation. A precision landing thanks to the experienced and competent moderator!

Dirk Sauer­born, Lob­by für Demo­kra­tie e. V.

Free of charge: 30 minutes of expert knowledge

Ask us up to three questions that currently concern you in terms of further training and qualification of employees. In an initial personal interview, we will discuss your individual training situation. Get to know us and let us become concrete right away.

This telephone appointment of around 30 minutes is free and non-binding.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Was muss eine aus­ge­zeich­ne­te Lern­stra­te­gie umfas­sen und betrachten?

Download our free white paper (only in german).

"What does an excellent learning strategy need to include and look at?"

Get our free white paper from LEARNTEC 2021 now.

Your training impulse

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Quadratwissen Learntec E-Learning FitX Olaf Bursian

Blu­menthal­stras­se 20
40476 Düsseldorf
MOBIL +49 (0) 175 5928249 

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OBS – Lean Strategy
OBS – »Lust auf Strategie«
QUA­DRI­GA – E‑Trainer
eeb – Lai­en-Uni Theologie
WIBK – Organisationsberatung

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"What does an excellent learning strategy need to include and look at?"

Get our free white paper from LEARNTEC 2021 now.